Become An Affiliate

Become an Affiliate for The Upcoming Digestion SOS™ Docuseries:
Rescue & Relief from IBS, SIBO and Leaky Gut Presented by Shivan Sarna

What Is SIBO SOS® and Chronic Condition Rescue All About?

SIBO SOS® and Chronic Condition Rescue presents a collection of educational, support and treatment options to eradicate chronic conditions affecting digestive health with host Shivan Sarna

We’ve assembled over 60 + of the brightest minds in digestive health, IBS, nutrition and SIBO on the planet to give their very best information to all attendees.

Who Should Watch?

Pretty much anyone who’s ever suffered from serious digestive issues, SIBO certainly, but IBS and other digestive troubles are ALL related – we’ll give attendees the tools to start healing themselves from the inside out and show the many different options they have to start the journey to optimal health.

During the Documentary Series each new day an episode will be available completely free for 24 hours. We’ve designed an package for access to ALL the information, plus some very exciting bonuses!

How Can I Become An Affiliate?

If you’re active online and or social media and have a list in fitness, nutrition, health, wellness, supplementation you can apply to be an affiliate with Chronic Condition Rescue | SIBO SOS® – all you have to do is fill in this form CLICK HERE and we’ll review it to make sure you’re a great fit!

Then… once you’re in you can start earning!

Tips And Ideas To Max Out Your Success!

First… be you. You know your list and your audience far better than we ever could. You know what they respond to and how to talk to them. Use that to your advantage.

Just tell them how much benefit and relief they’ll find by attending the Documentary Series… it’s going to be totally NEXT level information about how they can take back control of their health and their lives – it’s powerful stuff.

But just in case, here are some great strategies to get better response:

  • The ethical bribe. Offer your own personal bonus to people who opt in using your link. It can be anything of value that you know your list will want to have in addition to getting free access to the Documentary Series.
  • Mail just once. I know this sounds like a no-brainer, but it bears talking about. The affiliate center includes access to swipe e-mail copy that you can use not only during the pre-launch, but also to entice people to jump in. (More on this in a moment)
  • Share, share share – social media is a perfect place for you to spread the word, there are banners in the affiliate area you can use to tell people about the event (don’t forget to add YOUR affiliate link!)

More Notes On How To Use Affiliate Materials:

The affiliate center includes all the tools to make promoting a lot easier.

The promotion period for the Documentary Series.

There are pre-written e-mails in the affiliate center. Even if they were written by our great award-winning copywriter – don’t simply use them as they are – we HIGHLY recommend that you put a little of your own voice into these mails.

ESPECIALLY if you’re a featured speaker – make sure your list knows they’ll get to see YOU giving your very best information directly to your audience! Let them know when you’ll be featured.

Even if you’re not a speaker – make sure to add your own personality, stories that are relevant to SIBO or digestive health, if you’ve met Shivan or Dr. Allison in person, share that connection too! Have you had a chronic condition (e.g. SIBO, IBS, etc) – please share your story!

One Last Thing…

We hate to even bring this up, but there are some things that will get you kicked out as an affiliate…

Don’t spam. Pretty clear..
No cookie stuffing, cash incentives or other “pay to play” kind of stuff – it’s not cool.

Don’t try to pass yourself off as Shivan, or Dr. Allison on social media or websites – absolutely use our swipe, but make it clear you’re a part of the Documentary Series, you’re a speaker, or an affiliate etc.

We’re trying to make this THE destination for chronic condition rescue focusing on digestion, SIBO and more. Together we’ll all make it happen!

“I’m thrilled to be an affiliate with the SIBO SOS® Summit! Shivan is a gem and the team has been encouraging, responsive and quick on their feet… and dedicated, did I mention dedicated!!?? We are creating a foundation of knowledge AND community to thrive within!”

Angela Pifer, Ms, Functional Medicine Nutritionist, LCN, CN

“The team at SIBO SOS™ has been a pleasure to work with. Shivan and Dr. Siebecker make a powerful team in marketing and healing. While fairly new in the online health space, they are rockin’ it. Their summits are the most successful we saw for a start-up in 2017. We have loved working with them as affiliates and look forward to crushing it again and again with them in 2018.”

Christine Faler, Steve Wright, Jordan Reasoner – SCD Lifestyle

“Working with the SIBO SOS® has been a very good use of my time. Not only does the Summit carry a credibility stamp, it also has an impressive reach. Each time I participate we see the phone ring and website traffic increase. It is very refreshing to participate in a summit that features reputable experts and provides the viewer with sound and credible advice. Very proud to be a part of it.”

Dr. Michael Ruscio

Become A Chronic Condition Rescue Affiliate

It’s easy, click the button to apply.

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